Strange Nikolai

not a stormtrooper

Archive for the tag “google”

What I hate today #2…

Today I hate OOS (it rhymes with goose in case you were wondering. Or moose, if you’re canadian. Actually I think it still rhymes with moose if you’re not canadian, but I don’t know the other countries where there are mooses. Is “mooses” correct? Or it it just moose. 1 moose, many moose. Like “sheep”. Tall sheep. With antlers. And brownish fur/hair rather than wool. Are there canadian geese? Because that’s easier. Except it doesn’t rhyme with geese – it rhymes with goose. Or loose. But not lose. “Loose” like your slutty sister, not “lose” like what she did with her virginity when she turned 15. I fucking hate people who mix those words up. GRRRRRR. But I might leave my grammar hate for another day. And close this bracket already. Sheesh.)

I understand lots of people don’t know what OOS is. You know what, I can’t be fucked explaining it. That’s what tinternet is for. Here, learn to interweb:

So yeah, I have OOS and I hate it. What a fucking self-pitying post this is. Waah waah waah, my arm is sore, waah waaah. Yes I hate myself (not heaps, just a little bit. I’m far too awesome to hate for too long. Oh yeah, I said it). But it does suck. It just means you can’t do stuff. Like mouse (I’m using mouse as a verb here rather than a noun). Especially I can’t mouse-wheel. Which is the coolest bit of the mouse. Suck on that Apple! (not the fruit) (also I think a lot of apple mouses now have scroll wheels… so it’s basically an outdated taunt… meh, not feeling the Apple hate today)

So I bought this sweeeet pen tablet ting and it was all good for a couple of weeks, then it failed so I sent it back and got a replacement, but now when I install it it only works for one screen. I work with at least two. Yes, I’m gangsta geek chic le freak (wtf am I talking about?). Holla (I don’t even know what that means). So I tinterweb that shit and all the forums and helpsites say that it never worked on dual screen. What?? But I had it working??? Fuckers!

I had a massage last week (there’s something I can’t do anymore as well, give massages. It’s not just an excuse. honestly. Seriously, being able to give good massage is an important weapon in any teenage boy’s arsenal. Not that I’ve been a teenager for a long time. And it doesn’t look likely that I will be in the future) and the masseuse (rhymes with OOS) really got into the shoulder muscles and made it all hurt. It was damn good. Now I’ll have that song in my head for the rest of the day… hurts so good, come on baby make it hurt so good… But massage won’t fix OOS. So I’m back to complaining.

I need a holiday.

Strangely Nikolai

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